Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What keep a computer from turning on?

everything is plugged within but when i turn it on it does not come on what could be wrong with it? it worked simply fine last nite


This article is from PC World. It will lug you through every imaginable step.,132086...
cause sure the outlet is working...maybe you blew a fuse
If you enjoy it plugged into a power strip, make sure that it is turned on first. It doesn't nouns like you are getting any power...try plugging it into the outlet directly. If it still doesn't work, your power supply might enjoy gone bad.
mabey it blew out, if you hold a surge protecter make sure to flip the reset switch and if it still does not work it blew out forever and you need a current 1.
It could be your moniter if its not plugged in or its kaput, but in most cases it will probably be your power suppy or something may be loose inside of the computer.

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