Friday, September 17, 2010

Where can i find pictures in the region of transistors within ADI Microscan m700 monitors?please aid..?


Hiya Attila,

First, I requirement to agree with Simon, if you don't know what your doing you might really regret it following. If you do know what you are doing then you want a schematic of the circuit boards for this device. You can use the layout to identify part of the pack numbers and electronic pathways etc. I don't believe you will find a photograph of what you are looking for.

A schematic for the ADI Microscan M700 is available online, but I am sure they will want a few bucks for the service.


PS.Don't blow anything up. hehe ; )
Why do you necessitate pictures?

They should have a manufacturer's logo and a piece number on them.

Unless you really know what you are doing do not replace the transistors in a monitor. Getting the resourceful parts is not usually possible and replacing the parts with an 'equivalent' is not a dutiful idea unless you know what you are doing. Using a complex spec part surrounded by some locations will cause the monitor to go amiss. Possibly dangerously.

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