Friday, September 17, 2010

Why does it come across approaching your allergies merely contained by the summer?

why does a computer other collect alot of dust when running?


most people are allergic to plant produced substances and the spring and summertime are when these substances are most live. and the fan surrounded by the computer is the main result in of the dust collection on and in your computer
plants (pollen to be exact) are more prevalent within summer and your tower has a aficionado that sucks dust in
because most plants don't bloom within the winter and you computer collects dust because the fans takei\ contained by air and dust is surrounded by the air and is sucked inside and deposited.
because here is a fan inside the leading component and it's to keep the computer from over heat. and since the fan is circulating nouns, its also picking up dust... just resembling a regular house fan, after a while dust builds up on it.

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