Friday, September 17, 2010

Why do i own too much eyeshade for my 22 monitor??

ok here's the business deal. i set my resolution 1280x768. everything is fine and dandy but.teh screen is a short time too big for the monitor. the monitor cuts off going on for 2mm of stuff that i could view. i own a picture. there is a black splash i drew. to the left of it, i cannot see. to the right i can see.


This could be a couple of problems. I doubt the local resolution of the screen is 1280x768 unless it's also a 720p TV. If it is a computer monitor, I would suggest setting it to the aboriginal resolution which I would guess to be 1680x1050. This also may be happening because the monitor is hooked up to the computer beside an analog connection approaching VGA. If this is the case, see if you can adjust the picture using the menu on the monitor or if you can use a digital DVI nouns. Hope this helps.

The answers post by the user, for information just, does not guarantee the right.

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