It be working ok up until about 3 weeks ago, presently all of a sudden when i try to play a dvd, the following message appears:
Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might requirement to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and later try lowering your screen resolution and color level settings.
What exactly am i supposed to change it to to procure it to work again? Can somebody please help me, as it's starting to p1ss me rotten a bit.
uninstall windows medium player then reinstall later try as you or someone may have modify the settings on windows medium player if still don't work then try other medium player to play your DVD power DVD is better that is what i use adjectives the time
Try this player its free and plays way more stuff
freshly play with your desktop size and resolution..sounds close to you may have to product it lower.I'm guessing you have an antediluvian pc...
Good luck...
From what Windows is saw ... Right-click anywhere on the Desktop --> Settings, far right tab (I'm assuming you run XP ) try lowering the Millions of Colors or TruColors. That can inadvertently change from other programs. If your Desktop is indistinguishable size as it always be, I wouldn't suspect that part. DVD is deeply of information and some players will accommodate Hi-Res picture playback by skipping frames -- the trade-off.
The other answerer suggests a 3rd party player. It could, bring to light could, optimize between color vs. frames per second.
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